How Long Do Minecraft Villagers Take To Grow Up?

In Minecraft, villagers are more than just characters; they’re a crucial part of the game. They might look like pixelated people with quirky noses, but they offer great benefits.

Villagers add a lot of fun and creativity to Minecraft. You can trade with them to build an exciting economy, exchanging items for cool stuff like emeralds.

Have you ever wondered how to breed Minecraft villagers? Or how long it takes for them to grow up? Or what kinds of jobs they can have? In this article, we’ll answer all these questions and more.

How to Breed Villagers in Minecraft?

How Long Do Minecraft Villagers Take To Grow Up

If you’re looking to build a thriving community in the game, breeding villagers is key. Villagers are great because they can trade amazing items, supply valuable resources, and even enchant your gear, all without costing too much.

1. Make a Living Space:- Before you start breeding, you need to build a village. You can begin with just one house or room and gradually expand it into a whole village. It doesn’t need to be fancy—the most important thing is to make the villagers feel at home.

2. Gather Some Villagers:- To start breeding, you’ll need at least two villagers. If your village doesn’t have any villagers, you can bring some over from another village. You can do this by setting up a railway system, using a boat, or creating a temporary path with blocks.

3. Provide Beds and Workstations:- To have villagers in your village, you need to make sure they have beds and workstations. Workstations are special blocks that give villagers jobs. When you place these workstations, the villagers will automatically start using them and work. Place the beds and workstations in the area where the villagers live. Also, add extra beds for any new villagers who might join.

4. Feed Them Well:- Villagers need to eat regularly to be ready to breed. Giving them food can increase their willingness to have babies. A villager can carry three loaves of bread, 12 carrots, 12 potatoes, or 12 beetroots in one inventory slot. To feed them, just drop the food close to them, and they’ll pick it up.

5. Wait for Hearts:- Make sure your villagers have enough food, beds, and workstations. You’ll know they’re breeding when you see little hearts floating above their heads. Those hearts mean love is in the air, and soon there’ll be a new baby villager.

6. Welcome the New Villager:- When you see the hearts, just wait a bit. A baby villager will appear almost right away and will soon be walking around happily. Make sure there’s a bed for the new baby and add extra beds for any more babies that might come along.

How Long Do Minecraft Villagers Take To Grow Up?

Baby villagers take about 20 minutes to grow up. But remember, you need to stay close to them. If you go too far away, their growth pauses and they’ll stay babies until you come back. Also, there’s no way to speed up a baby villager’s growth.

As baby villagers grow up, they get more playful. They’ll start walking around and might even stare at you randomly.

Keep in mind that villagers grow into adults on their own, and you don’t need to do anything special. You can’t speed up their growth, but if you walk too far away, it will take them longer to grow up.

How Long Does It Take for Villagers to Breed Again?

Villagers need 5 minutes before they can breed again. After a baby villager is born, the parents have a “cooldown” period. This means they need to take a break before they can have another baby, even if all the conditions for breeding are met.

You can’t stop the cooldown period from happening, but you can make sure there are plenty of beds and enough food for the villagers. This keeps them comfortable and well-fed, so they’re ready to breed again as soon as the cooldown ends.

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How do villagers choose their professions when they grow up?


After 20 minutes, baby villagers grow up and can choose their careers.

In the latest Minecraft update, there are 15 different professions they might choose from. Two of these are quite unique. One is “Unemployed,” which means they are ready to work if a job becomes available. The other is “Nitwit,” and these villagers won’t work at all.

Once they grow up, villagers, except for the unemployed and nitwits, can start working. Villagers with jobs trade different items, so it’s good to have a variety of jobs among your villagers.

If you haven’t traded with a villager and want to change their job, you can break their job block and replace it with another one. Just place the new work block near the villager to assign them that job.

ProfessionJob BlocksTrading Items
ArmorerBlast FurnaceChainmail, Armor
Butcher SmokerMeat
CartographerCartography TableMaps, Banners
ClericBrewing StandEnder Pearls, Bottle of Enchanting, Lapis Lazuli
FarmerComposterFood, Brewing Ingredients
FishermanBarrelFish, Fishing Rods
FletcherFletching TableBows, Arrows, Flint
LeatherworkerCauldronLeather equipment, Horse Armor, Saddles
LibrarianLecternEnchanted Books, Name Tags
MasonStonecutter Cut Blocks and Bricks
ShepherdLoomColored Wools, Carpets, Paintings 
ToolsmithSmithing TableTools
WeaponsmithGrindstoneSwords, Axes

Wrapping Up: Keep ‘em Breeding!

Villagers are key in Minecraft, and as your village expands with more buildings, you’ll see more villagers being born.

This increase in villagers means more jobs and, consequently, more fantastic trades and enchantments for you to discover. They really bring the village to life, making your Minecraft adventures even more exciting.

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